Collaborate Together - Research Report

We’re proud to share Beit Berl College, The Center for the Advancement of Shared Society’s report of this comprehensive, thorough and important research they’ve performed called: “Collaborate Together” - A New Way for Arab and Jewish Youth Collaboration in Mixed Cities, throughout Israel.
Following the breakout of violent events during May 2021, A New Way has developed a brave educational program with the support of the U.S Embassy Jerusalem, touching the open wounds of the Mixed cities’ population.
The aim was to establish joint Arab-Jewish youth leadership groups of mixed cities cities to volunteer together within their local communities.
The pilot of the program was undertaken in two mixed population regions: the city of Akko, and the Mateh Yehuda Regional Council.
The study included interviews with teachers, students and a questionnaire measuring the change from the beginning to the end of the process, alongside a control group of nonparticipants from other classes at the same age group and same school.
Both the Jewish and Arab students entered the process with apprehensions born of existing prejudice.
The direct and interactive encounters helped lower the fears and challenged the stereotypes, helping the students to see each other’s positive aspects. The students noted that they felt more mature and had a better understanding of the context around them.
This is an important insight, demonstrating that it is worthwhile prioritizing programs for this age group, when students have a better social-political awareness.
The research’s encouraging results showed that the direct encounters indeed allowed the students to see each other’s positive aspects, bringing them closer together and strengthening their connection.
The quantitative results reveal a change in attitudes across all the measured parameters, showing that the program was very successful.
Click here for the students’ insights and the full research results.